The 2020 QMUL-CCIAG Survey: what it reveals on how investors perceive proposed reforms to the ISDS system

  Introduction On 29 October 2020, the School of International Arbitration, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London (“QMUL”) released the results of a survey it conducted in collaboration with the Corporate Counsel International Arbitration Group (“CCIAG”) on Investors’ Perception and views of Proposed Reforms to the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (“ISDS”). The […]

Enka c. Chubb : la Cour Suprême du Royaume-Uni tranche la question de la loi applicable à la convention d’arbitrage et celle du pouvoir des juridictions anglaises d’émettre des anti-suit injunctions

Sara Nadeau-Seguin (counsel) & Marie-Provence Brue (collaboratrice)   Introduction Le 9 octobre 2020, la Cour Suprême du Royaume-Uni a rendu une décision très attendue dans l’affaire Enka c. Chubb 1. La question centrale soumise à l’appréciation de la Cour était celle de la loi applicable à la convention d’arbitrage en l’absence d’un choix exprès des […]

Enka c. Chubb : la Cour Suprême du Royaume-Uni tranche la question de la loi applicable à la convention d’arbitrage et celle du pouvoir des juridictions anglaises d’émettre des anti-suit injunctions

Sara Nadeau-Seguin (counsel) & Marie-Provence Brue (collaboratrice)   Introduction Le 9 octobre 2020, la Cour Suprême du Royaume-Uni a rendu une décision très attendue dans l’affaire Enka c. Chubb 1. La question centrale soumise à l’appréciation de la Cour était celle de la loi applicable à la convention d’arbitrage en l’absence d’un choix exprès des […]

Newly published 2021 ICC Rules: notable changes

Newly published 2021 ICC Rules: notable changes Raphaël Kaminsky (partner) & Marie-Provence Brue (associate) Introduction On 8 October 2020, the most preferred arbitral institution, the ICC, published its revised Rules of Arbitration (“2021 ICC Rules”). The ICC Rules are periodically revised, and were last amended in 2017; building on the previous amendments, the 2021 ICC […]

Signing of a Plurilateral Treaty on the Implementation of the Achmea judgment: the definite end of Intra-EU BITs ?

Pierre Pic, Sara Nadeau-Seguin, Margaux Vandewalle Introduction On 5 May 2020, 23 of the European Member States signed an Agreement for the Termination of Bilateral Investment Treaties between the Member States of the European Union (the “Termination Agreement”). The Termination Agreement is available here: The Termination Agreement provides the investment community with further clarity […]

Signing of a Plurilateral Treaty on the Implementation of the Achmea judgment: the definite end of Intra-EU BITs?

Pierre Pic, Sara Nadeau-Seguin, Margaux Vandewalle Introduction On 5 May 2020, 23 of the European Member States signed an Agreement for the Termination of Bilateral Investment Treaties between the Member States of the European Union (the “Termination Agreement”). The Termination Agreement is available here: The Termination Agreement provides the investment community with further clarity […]

Palmarès du Droit 2020 – Trophée d’Or pour Teynier Pic

Dans le cadre du Palmarès du Droit 2020, Teynier Pic s’est vu décerner le trophée d’or dans la catégorie « Arbitrage & Marc » pour les cabinets de moins de 30 avocats. » Vidéo : Le Monde du Droit – Magazine des Professions Juridiques.