European Parliament votes to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty

Following a wave of withdrawals by Member States including Italy, France, Germany and Poland, the European Union (“EU”) will now withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”). Although the European Commission had initially called on EU member states to withdraw from the ECT in a coordinated manner, on 7 March the 27 Member States adopted […]

Brussels I Bis Regulation: the decision of a Member State court must be recognized in the European Union even if that court has declared itself to have jurisdiction in disregard of a contractual provision conferring jusridiction to the Courts of another Member State

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) was asked to give a preliminary ruling in a dispute concerning the recognition in Lithuania of the judgment of a Dutch court which had declared itself to have jurisdiction despite a contractual provision conferring jusridiction to the Courts of another Member State. The CJEU replied that […]