Russian Supreme Court annuls enforcement of a foreign arbitral award, holding that arbitrators from “hostile” states are presumed to be “partial”

On 26 July 2024, the Russian Supreme Court annulled the enforcement of an arbitration award made in favour of the German company C. Thywissen GmbH (“Thywissen”) against the Russian company JSC Novosibirskhlebprodukt (“NHP”). The dispute between the two companies arose from the performance of a contract for the purchase of linseed concluded in 2020. NHP […]

Economic Parasitism Requires Proof of Individualised Economic Value

In a judgement dated 26 June 2024, the French Court of Cassation clarified the concept of economic parasitism, a tort by which a company takes unfair advantage of the efforts, know-how, reputation or investments of another company without bearing the costs. In this case, a company claimed that one of its competitors had copied the […]

The Court of Cassation upholds the annulment of an arbitral award based on the close personal ties between an arbitrator and a party’s counsel, revealed in the eulogy addressed by the former to the latter

Reference: French Supreme Court, 19 June 2024, no. 23-10.972, (confirmation of Paris Court of Appeal, Pole 5, Ch. 16, 10 January 2023, no. 20/18330) On 19 June 2024, the Court of Cassation issued a judgement on the independence and impartiality of arbitrators in an ICC arbitration relating to a contract between Douala International Terminal (“DIT”) […]

French Court of Cassation rules that, in insolvency proceedings, an exequatur order that merely recognises a claim is not contrary to international public policy

Reference: Cass. civ. 15 May 2024, no. 23-11.012 This case concerns an arbitration initiated in 2013 by Hydro Construction (“Hydro”) against Vergnet. On 6 May 2014, the parties agreed to suspend the arbitration proceedings and submit their dispute to an adjudicator, who issued a non-binding decision in favour of Hydro and ordered Vergnet to pay […]